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Freedom From Old Thinking!

Have you ever wondered why good things happen to bad people? It seems you are doing all the right things, but geting the wrong results. Could our thoughts be the culprit? 

One of the things that can be difficult for Christians to overcome is the conflict between faith in God and the need for money. Some of us have been programmed to beleive that there is some shame or even sin in having or desiring to have an abundance of wealth. I believe our heavenly Father gets pleasure from seeing your prosper. He gets pleasure because prosperity brings you pleasure! He loves us so much and wants to bring us an abundance of goodness to our life. I mean how can he be a "good God" and not desire to give us good things?

When I was young in my faith walk, I understood wealth and prosperity as being a bad thing. The believers that were around me were sick and poor, barely making ends meet. These were beautiful, loving and well-intentioned people. They truly believed that life outside of the struggle to live was blasphemous! There was a glory in the testimonies of barely getting by or finding an unexpected amount of money to cover a bill. The idea that serving God equated to living under the bondage of poverty was an accepted premise As a new believer, I bought into that doctrine completely since eternity would be spent in heaven!

Let's erase the notion that God needs us to suffer to draw us closer to Him! If we have those thoughts in our mind, that is what powers our belief. Our actions are rooted in our beliefs, so thinking that God requires suffering will cause you act as one that must suffer. You will be hesitant to excel in certain areas of your life or resist the urge to explore ways to bring in additional wealth. The worse part of all is that many of these type of decisions can be made unconsciously. It may not require you to logically determine the route to suffering, it can be instinctive, based on your belief.

"For I know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not evil, to give you and expected end."  Jeremiah 29:11

If God has thoughts of peace towards us, and not evil, shouldn't we believe that! Why not think about how God is going to allow goodness and mercy to follow me all the days of my life, according to Psalm 23:6. 

Change your mind and you will change your life. Let's get free from the thoughts of un-worthiness and embrace the love of God. Will there be challenges in life? Yes, there will be times of distress and pain, but we should always expect the best. Our faith should always be grounded in love that surpasses understanding. 

We don't have to suffer in lack to experience God's love. We can spread his love more effectively, if we are financially free! His plans for your life require some form of currency. You have the power to get wealth (Deut 8:18), so go get it! Stop surpressing your creativity and being afraid to take a chance. The same God that keep you now, will be there in your pursuit. 

Allow your mind to embrace the God that has streets paved with gold in heaven and pearly gates to His city. The God whose feet stood on pavement made of sapphire in Exodus 24, displaying his glory to the people. Yes, God must love showing off the elements of value in his creation. Yet, you are of even greater value so how much more would He love to display his goodness through you!
